Jigsaw Blog



Connect to SSRS and run report - Can't authenticate

Log Name:    System
Source:      LSA (LsaSrv)
Event ID:    6037
Level:       Warning

The program ReportingServicesService.exe, with the assigned process ID 13432, could not authenticate locally by using the target name HTTP/myserver.mydomain.edu. The target name used is not valid. A target name should refer to one of the local computer names, for example, the DNS host name.

Try a different target name.

  1. Go to REGEDIT and open the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\MSV1_0
  2. Right click MSV1_0 –> New -> Multi-String Value
  3. Type BackConnectionHostNames and click Enter.
  4. Right click on newly created value and select Modify.
  5. Enter the hostname of the site: WEBSITENAME (and on a new line enter the FQDN, WEBSITENAME.domain.com)
  6. Restart IIS